Referee Rules - Competition

World Sport Education Karate Union



Official WSEKU kata list

Competition categories WSEKU


VERSION 2.0 – Valid from 14.09.2023


a. WSEKU competition is divided into two main branches: KATA and KUMITE

b. Each KATA (KOBUDO and PARAKARATE) KUMITE competition will be divided into various categories: male female, individual or teams.

c. Each KATA and KUMITE competition will be divided into various age categories:

CHILDREN-U6 (4-5 years), CHILDREN-U8 (6-7 years), CHILDREN-U10 (8-9 years), CHILDREN-12 (10-11 years), CHILDREN-MINICADET-U14 (12-13 years), CADET (14-15 years), JUNIOR (16-17 years), U21-YOUTH (18-19-20 years), SENIOR 18 years and over, VETERAN (35+), MASTER (45+), GRAND MASTER (55) +), GRAND MASTER (55+).

The kata competition, for all age categories, only Kata from the official WSEKU kata list are allowed.

1) KATA:

In WSEKU the elimination system without repechage will be applied. We are working with the Flag System (Blue and red Flags) and 5 judges.

Four judges are sitting in the corners of the tatami and one judge (judge Nr.1) between judge 2 and judge 5 (depending on the number of referees, the match can be with 3 judges by the decision of the Referee Committee).

The coach or athlete must record the name of the Kata before performing the Kata.

Two third places are awarded, kata categories from 4 to 13 years old, 2 competitors perform the kata simultaneously, except for medal matches. In medal matches aka and au perform the kata separately.

From Cadets (14-15 years) and all older categories, aka and ao perform kata separately.

Presentation of Katas for all categories – limitations:

Kata for the categories U6 (Children 4-5 years old), U8 (Children 6-7 years old), U10 (Children 8-9 years old) and U12 (Children 10-11 years old):

Enforced Kata Lists.

List of Kata imposed on Category A:


Kihon kata more

1. Saifa

Shino kata

2. Seinchin

Tenno kata

3. Sanseiru

Heian kata more

4. Shisochin

Taikyoku kata more

5. Seisan

Pinan kata more

6. Gekiha II.

Geksai kata more

7. Kakuha I-II

Fukyu kata more

8. Hakutsuru

Gekiha I.



List of Kata imposed on Category B/C/D:

1. Bassai Dai


2. Bassai Sho

1. Ananko

3. Empi

2. Aoyagi

4. Hangetsu

3. Bassai Dai

5. Jitte

4. Bassai Sho

6. Jiin

5. Chinte

7. Jion

6. Heiku

8. Socin

7. Ishimine Bassai

9. Nijushiho

8. Itosu Rohai 1-2-3


9. Jiiin


10. Jion

1. Bassai

11. Jitte

2. Jitte

12. Juroku

3. Naihanchi

13. Matsukaze

4. Niseishi

14. Matsumura Rohai

5. Rohai

15. Myojo

6. Wanshu

16. Naifanchin 1-2-3


17. Niseishi

Value breakdown by category:

18. Rohai

A / Beginners and higher.

19. Saifa

10/9/8 Alb, White, Red to Yellow

20. Sanseiru

B / Aspirants and higher

21. Seiyunchin

7/6/5 Kyu Orange, Green to Blue

22. Seisan

C / Hopes and higher

23. Shinpa

4/3/2 Kyu Purple to Brown

24. Shisochin

D / Advanced and higher

25. Sochin

1 Kyu/Dan Brown to Black

26. Wanshu

E / Consecrated no limits

27. Tomari Seisan

Free All Belt




the equivalent of the school of style to which it belongs


  • In the "E" categories, the official WSEKU Kata list applies
  • In the "B/C/D" category, lower Kata from the "A" category may also appear.
  • Participants until the age of 11, failing to complete their kata should be given the option of a second attempt without reduction of score.

Presentation of Katas for the categories U14 Children-Minicadets (12-13 years), Cadets (14-15 year), Juniors (16-17 years), U21-Young (18-19-20 years), Seniors, Veterans, Masterclass:

Athletes have to perform different katas in all rounds. It is not possible to repeat a kata.

- Children (4-5 years) must perform a kata and can repeat from the 2nd round alternatively (AAA).

- Children (6-11 years) must perform two different kata and can repeat from the 3rd round alternatively (ABAB).

- Children-Minicadets (12-13 years old) must perform three different kata and can alternately repeat from the 4th round (ABCAB).

- Cadets (14-15 years old) and all older categories must perform different kata in all rounds (ABCDE).

Team Kata:

The Kata team for the category up to 13 years (children and mini-cadets) is without bunkai. Bunkai is mandatory in medal matches for Cadets, Juniors, Seniors and Veterans only. Bunkai must be given the same importance as the kata itself. The total time allotted for the combined Kata and Bunkai demonstration is 5 minutes.

In all Kata Team categories, one competitor may be one year younger and one competitor may be one year older. MIXED KATA TEAMS are also accepted, each mixed team can contain: 2 girls + 1 boy = girls team, or 2 boys + 1 girl = boys team.

Team up 3 competitors, they will perform the same Kata and start facing forward or Shomen in a starting position of their choice. The team receives a score through the red and blue flag system. The 3 contestants have a choice of forming a triangle or an inverted triangle. A reserve competitor may replace the participant concerned in any match, but must register as a competitor before the start of the competition.

 În evaluarea performanței unui concurent sau a unei echipe, cei 5 arbitri vor căuta urmatoarele criteriile la kata:

  • Posturi
  • Tehnici
  • Mişcări de tranziţie
  • Timing, sincronizare
  • Kime
  • Respirație corectă (Bunkai: control)
  • Conformitate, kihon al stilului (Bunkai: folosind mișcările reale, așa cum sunt efectuate în kata)
  • Puterea
  • Viteza
  • Echilibru


KUMITE is divided into 5 categories:

      • SHOBU IPPON (2 point competition)
      • SHOBU NIHON (4 point competition)
      • SHOBU SANBON (6 point competition)
      • SPORT KUMITE (8 point competition)
      • BUDO KUMITE (10 point competition)

ATTENTION: The KUMITE team consists of 3 competitors, at least two fight, in case the third competitor is missing, one of the two competitors can fight!


AO: Blue belt, stands on the left. AKA: Red belt, stands on the right. 

  • Gum shields, red and blue mitts, shin pads, and foot protection, red and blue belts, are mandatory. Chest protection (for Children-Minicadets girls 12-13 years and over for females) and body protection (for Children-Minicadets 12-13 years old for both boys and girls from cadets 14-15 years old and above for both men and women). Groin protectors are not mandatory, but if worn they must be of an approved type. Children up to the age of 11, body protection is possible but not mandatory.
  • Protective Helmet "Karate" with face protection (for children up to 13 years old, or over 13 years old) is possible but not mandatory, it must be white AO and AKA, or blue and red AO and AKA, covering the whole head and with a mask of plexiglass for face protection. Face mask, groin protection is possible but not mandatory. Soft permeable contact lenses or special glasses or other special equipment recommended by the WSEKU medical committee may be worn at the competitor's risk with the approval of the WSEKU Board of Directors. The use of hard glasses is not allowed in kumite..
  • The maximum length of the jacket sleeves must be no longer than the bend of the wrist and no shorter than halfway down the forearm. The jacket must cover the hips but must not be more than three-quarters thigh length.
  • The trousers must be long enough to cover at least two thirds of the shin and must not reach below the anklebone.sers must be long enough to cover at least two thirds of the shin and must not reach below the anklebone.
  • Jacket sleeves and trousers may not be rolled up! Jacket ties must be tied at the beginning of the match. Jackets without ties must not be worn. Contestant may have embroideries on their belts (belts no longer than three quarters thigh length) and karate gi.
  • Contestant may wear two rubber bands on a single pony tail in their hair. Glasses are forbidden (Kata and Kumite).
  • Competitors may use an approved religious black head scarf, covering the hair but not the throat area.


  • The result of a bout is determined by a contestant obtaining a clear lead of 2 points (SHOBU IPPON), 4 points (SHOBU NIHON), 6 points (SHOBU SANBON), 8 points (SPORT KUMITE), 10 points (BUDO KUMITE), or at time-up, having the highest number of points, at equal score having the first unopposed point advantage (SENSHU), obtaining a decision (HANTEI), or by a HANSOKU, SHIKKAKU, or KIKEN, imposed against a contestant.
  • If a team match or a single match during the round robin system ends with a difference + 1 point or 2 points, all scores count for the result, taking into account the kumite category in which they fight: 2 points (SHOBU IPPON), 4 points (SHOBU NIHON), 6 points (SHOBU SANBON), 8 points (SPORT KUMITE), 10 points (BUDO KUMITE).
  • In any bout, if after full time the scores are equal, but one contestant has obtained first unopposed score advantage (SENSHU), that contestant will be declared the winner.
  • If after full time there are no scores, or scores are equal, and there is no SENSHU, and nobody has the higher number of a.) Ippon or b.) Wazari, scored in the bout, the decision will be made by a final vote of the four Judges, each casting their vote; in case of a tied vote, the Referee will decide the result. Hikiwake is only applicable in regular team matches and in individual matches during round robin. At Hantei, a decision is taken on the basis of which competitor displayed superiority of tactics and techniques during the whole match.

A score is awarded when a technique is performed according to the following criteria to a scoring area (the body above the pelvis, up to and including the collar bone (Chudan), excluding the shoulders themselves, and the area above the collar bone (Jodan).

a) Good form (good technique, probable effectiveness within the framework of traditional Karate concepts)

b) Sporting attitude (non-malicious attitude of great concentration)

c) Vigorous application (strength and speed of the technique)

d) Awareness-ZANSHIN (total concentration, awareness, observation: before, during and after the technique

e) Good timing (delivering a technique when it will have the greatest potential effect)

f) Correct distance (delivering a technique where it will have the greatest potential effect)

Yuko (1 point) is awarded for:

  1. Punches (Tsuki) / 2. Strikes (Uchi)

Wazari (2 points) is awarded for:

  1. Chudan kicks

Ippon (3 points) is awarded for:

  1. Jodan kicks
  2. Any scoring technique against an opponent whose any part of the body other than the feet is in contact with the mat, with the exception of hiza gamae. (One knee touching the mat while executing a technique).


  1. Techniques which make excessive contact, having regard to the scoring area attacked, and techniques which make contact with the throat.
  2. Attacks to the arms or legs, groin, joints, or instep.
  3. Attacks to the face with open hand techniques. With the exception of theBUDO KUMITEcompetition only, open hand uchi techniques such as: shuto uchi, haito uchi, etc. are allowed, unless they are performed to the face or the front of the neck, in which case they are penalized.
  4. Dangerous or forbidden throwing techniques.
  5. Feigning, or exaggerating injury.
  6. Exit from the competition area (JOGAI) not caused by the opponent.
  7. Self-endangerment or failing to take adequate measures for self-protection (MUBOBI).
  8. Avoiding combat as a means of preventing the opponent having the opportunity to score.
  9. Passivity – not attempting to engage in combat (a warning or penalty for passivity cannot be given during the first 15 seconds and after less than the last 15 seconds of the match and not be given to a competitor who is leading by points or Senshu). Order/Signal: “TSUZUKETE” (not after less than 15 seconds of bout time remaining)
  10. Clinching, wrestling, pushing, seizing or standing chest to chest, without immediately attempting a throw or other technique.
  11. After “Wakarete” scoring is not possible until the Referee announces “Tsuzukete” and brings his arms and thus the competitors together again (disregard leads to a warning/only next level during Atoshi Baraku).
  12. Grabbing the opponents arm or karategi with one hand without immediately attempting a scoring technique or takedown.
  13. Apucă brațul sau karategi-ul adversarului cu o mână, fără a încerca imediat o tehnică de scor sau eliminare.
  14. Uncontrolled Techniques (that don’t hit).
  15. Simulated attacks with the head, knees, or elbows.
  16. Talking to, or goading the opponent, failing to obey the orders of the Referee, discourteous behaviour towards the Refereeing officials, or other breaches of etiquette.


  • For Senior and Junior competitors, non-injurious, light, controlled “touch” contact to the face, head, and neck is allowed (but not to the throat). The correct distance for Jodan
  • For Cadet competitors even the slightest touch to the head, face, or neck, with hand techniques must be warned or penalized. Only jodan kicks may make the lightest touch (“skin touch”) and still score. The scoring distance is increased up to 10 centimeters for kicks and 5 centimeters for hand techniques.
  • For reasons of safety, throws where the opponent is thrown without being held onto, or thrown dangerously, or where the pivot point is above the thrower’s belt level, are prohibited and will be warned or penalized. Exceptions are conventional karate leg sweeping techniques, which do not require the opponent to be held while executing the sweep. Grabbing the opponent with both hands for any other reasons than executing a takedown upon catching the opponents kicking leg is forbidden.
  • For U14 (Children-Minicadets 12-13 years) the bout duration is 1,5 min. For techniques to the head and neck (Jodan area) no contact is allowed, also no skin touch, neither with the fist nor with the foot.
  • For U12 (Children 10-11 years), U10 (children 8-9 years), U8 (Children 6-7 years) and U6 (children 4-5 years) the bouts duration is 1,0 min. For techniques to the head and neck (Jodan area) no contact is allowed, also no skin touch, neither with the fist nor with the foot. Even controlled techniques to the body (chudan area) in principle will not be considered a score if they make contact beyond surface touch.
  • It is only possible to award a score for a technique after a takedown or permitted grab when the technique is according to the rules and following “immediately”.


Chui (Warning): Is given, up to three times, for smaller infractions that do not diminish the other Competitor ́s chances of winning. 

Hansoku-Chui (Warning of Disqualification): Is given for more serious infractions that reduces the other Competitor ́s chances of winning, or to a competitor for any further infraction if three CHUI has already been given.

Hansoku (Penalty): This is the penalty of disqualification following a very serious infraction or when a Hansoku-Chui has already been given. It can be imposed directly, if the competitor’s potential for winning has been virtually reduced to zero by the opponent’s foul. 

Shikkaku (Penalty): This is a disqualification from the entire tournament including any subsequent category. In order to define the limit of Shikkaku, the Disciplinary Commission, must be consulted. Shikkaku may be invoked when a contestant fails to obey the orders of the Referee, acts maliciously, or commits an act which harms the prestige and honour of Karate- do, or when other actions are considered to violate the rules and spirit of the tournament. Can only be imposed after consultation with the Judges (Shugo). A public announcement must be made..


  • 10-seconds-rule: In the event that a competitor falls, is thrown, or knocked down, and does not fully regain his or her feet immediately, the referee will call the doctor, and start a count to ten indicating his count showing a finger for each second. Torso must be on the floor, no matter how fast the competitor went down. In all cases the 10 second count has been started the doctor will be asked to examine the contestant. If the competitor does not fully regain his or her feet within ten seconds he is unfit to continue fighting! The referee is then allowed to call for Shugo! The competitor is not allowed to participate in any further Kumite events in that tournament. The judges will decide the winner on the basis of Hansoku (contact or exaggeration), Kiken (Mubobi or falling down without foul), or Shikkaku (feigning of injury or malicious injury) as the case may be.
  • Running, avoiding combat and jogai with less than 15 seconds of bout time remaining (Atoshi Baraku), receive a minimum of Hansoku-Chui. Grabbing the opponent without attempting to throw or score immediately is also an instance of avoiding combat by less than 15 seconds.
  • Should a competitor that has been awarded Senshu, receive a warning for avoiding combat when there is less than 15 seconds left of the bout (Atoshi Baraku), the competitor will automatically forfeit this advantage. No further Senshu can be awarded to either competitor.
  • A warning or penalty for Mubobi is given when a competitor is hit or injured through his or her own fault or negligence. In that case, the opponent must not be warned / penalised!
  • Exaggeration is warned / penalised with Chui, Hansoku Chui or even Hansoku in severe cases (warning for contact to the opponent or warning for mubobi must be given at first). If a score is awarded, the opponent will be penalized for feigning with minimum Hansoku Chui.
  • Judges signal points scored on their own initiative. (Two judge system also Jogai and contact.)
  • An injured contestant who wins a bout through disqualification due to injury is not allowed to fight again in the competition without permission from the doctor. He may also win a second bout by disqualification due to injury, but is immediately withdrawn from further kumite competition in that tournament.
  • If a contestant is disqualified by Kiken, he is disqualified for the competition in this category.
  • The Referee needs the signal of minimum 2 Judges for the same competitor to establish a score (Two Judge system minimum the signal of 1 judge).
  • If 2 Judges indicate different scores the higher one will be established. Applicable also if for example two Judges show yuko for aka and 2 judges show ippon for aka.
  • If 2 Judges indicate a score for AKA and 2 Judges a score for AO, both scores will be awarded. (Two Judge system also 1 judge for AKA and 1 Judge for AO).
  • If 2 Judges indicate a score for the same competitor, but the Referee has seen a contact, he may award a warning.
  • If the Referee calls the doctor to treat an injury and the doctor declares the competitor unfit to fight, the referee is allowed to call for Shugo to communicate the doctor’s statement to the judge.